Sell At Craft Fairs Near You

How To Sell At Craft Fairs Near You

Are you ready to take on the new world?

You are eager to get out there again and start meeting humans. Covid restrictions are lifting and it feels good.

But you have a problem.

You are the type of vendor who rarely if ever makes lots of sales.

You enjoy meeting other vendors and catching up with visiting friends & passers-by.

You also enjoy reading your latest book while your customers can comfortably browse. 

After all, people HATE being sold to don't they?

You make sure that every fair you attend you repeat that message in your head.

You won't be the salesy stall. 

You will respect people by leaving them alone.

Happily you read, text, Instagram your time at your event.



The important thing is being honest with yourself so you can zone into the things you need to change ( if any ) to reach your desired outcome ( do you know what that is...specifically? )

Do you look at other stalls and think your work is just as good, how come they sell more than you?

They must know people or have the best spot on the market.


I want you to look in the mirror and ask yourself something.

Do you want to make money from what you do?

Do you want to be able to make more and not have to stress about money all the time?

Do you want to quit that part-time/full-time job so you can create for a living?

If the answer is on.

If the answer is NO...go back to that book.

Creative people spend days if not weeks preparing for markets. The stand, the packaging, making stock, signage, posting on social media, telling everyone...the list goes on and on.

The energy is high, the excitement is real...I am going to sell so much, it's going to be so cool.

You attend.

You buzz from all the interaction BUT you sell 2 things.

One to your sister and the other to a neighbour's cousin who heard you were there and wanted to support you.

You bow your head in defeat and swear to feck you will NEVER do another market again they are a waste of time.


You look at yourself in the mirror and you ask;

Who do you think you are..? 

You are not good enough to sell your work. There are too many brilliant people around you to survive.

Now listen up: there are key things you need to be aware of to sell anything.

Specifically for Craft fairs and markets, we talk to a seasoned vendor who has built her brand and income from consistently turning up at Busy park Market in Dublin.

This is a recording of a recent live stream over on Instagram. 

We go LIVE every Friday at 12.30 pm so if ya haven't followed on Instagram yet click here.

Emma Higgins shares her gold for making money at markets. 

Pay attention and most importantly TAKE ACTION!

3 Key takeaways from our chat with Emma -you can check her gorgeous work out here.

Zone in on the following to ensure you sell at markets.

  1. Research your market - as in the people you are going to sell to and where they will turn up. You need to choose your fair/market smartly so research has to come first.

2.  Stall design - practice at home especially if it's your first time creating a stall. Use different levels and areas in your stand to create movement and an interesting landscape for visitors.

3. Get ready for your sales conversation THE BIGGY!!!! Without this, your sales will always be at a minimum. In EVERY business including yours, the seller has to have key sales conversation markers to bring that conversation towards the sale.

Have you worked on that yet?


Let me know your thoughts x

Categories: : Sales